
Getting out with your baby

Our Top 10 Tips

Getting out with your baby may be a little bit daunting at first; it can feel like you are packing for a week abroad rather nipping out to the shops! But with a little practice and careful planning you’ll be skipping out that door and enjoying the freedom of being mobile with your little one.

1.       Keep calm, trust yourself and trust your baby. Going out with your baby is easier than you think so set off with a positive mind set; remember they are very portable creatures and happy to be with you anywhere since you are their favourite person in the whole world!

2.       Plan your outing in advance and select baby friendly places or at least locations you are familiar with to avoid extra stress caused by getting lost, finding a place to park etc

3.       Go out at quieter times, avoid peak times whenever possible.

4.       Prepare the changing bag carefully before going out. Pack the essentials: a couple of nappies, a change of clothes, 2 clean bottles and measured out formula (if you bottle feed), spare soothers, changing wipes and some water for you.

5.       If you can, feed your baby before going out; this should keep your baby happy for a while, at least a few hours!

6.       Shop online for the majority of your food and groceries, so you only go out for the essentials or to have fun. Struggling with heavy shopping bags with a baby in tow is no fun for anyone!

7.       Dress your baby appropriately for the weather. Layers are always a good option if the weather is changable.

8.       Keep some baby toys in your car and changing bag so you always have them accessible and don’t need to remember to pack them every time you venture out.

9.       Select the best carrier you have for your baby to sleep in, you might find your baby sleeps more after the extra simulation of being in a car or exploring new environements.

10.   Most important - Remember to enjoy yourself!