Milton Fluid is made of an aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite and 16.5% sodium chloride. The Milton Fluid that is available to buy is a strength of 2% sodium hypochlorite.
You don't have to have a baby to use Milton. Milton Sterilising Fluid can be used to disinfect kitchen work surfaces, chopping boards, wiping out fridges, microwaves, storage containers, pet bowls and bins. It can also be used to soak fruit and vegetables where the microbiological safety of such items is suspect. For more information, click here
Because of the salt in the solution in the bottle, the child will usually spit the fluid out, or, at worst, be sick. If they are not sick, there should be no need to worry but a concerned parent can give the child a drink of milk. Because milk is a protein it will neutralise the Milton solution. The Milton Sterilising Fluid formula should be neutralised by the saliva proteins and break down into salt and water. However it is always best to seek medical advice or contact your GP to ensure complete safety.
Yes. The purification process during the manufacture of Milton ensures complete removal of all heavy metal ions, which would normally act as a catalyst to chemically break down many hypochlorites, causing instability. Therefore accurate levels of available chlorine can be obtained with Milton Sterilising Fluid.
No. As stated above, toxicity in hypochlorites is due to the by-product of their decomposition, sodium chlorate. With the heavy ions removed Milton decomposes into water and a small amount of sodium chloride (salt).
Milton will sterilise as long as the requirements for chemical sterilisation with hypochlorites are carried out. These are:
(a) Scrupulous attention to pre-cleansing of the item to be sterilised
(b) Stability of the active agent
(c) That the article to be sterilised is of a material compatible with hypochlorite and is so constructed that it can be cleaned properly
The Milton Method of cleaning bottles and teats incorporates these requirements.
All the Milton products will kill Candida albicans (the agent responsible for thrush).
Same active ingredient as the one used to make water drinkable.
Did you know? EN is the abbreviation for European Norm.
Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.